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BLOG # 19 - What have I been up too?


Updated: Jul 31, 2024

Hello Fellow Dreamers,

Oh my, it has been a bit of time since my last BLOB, gosh.... what have I been up too?

Mother's Day and Father's Day passed and business has been fairly slow since then. But I sort of needed a break to get things caught up and sorted around the house.

Well, then working from home came to an end for me, I was called back into my 40 hour a week office job again. That took a bit of adjustment for me after over a year of working from home. I was really enjoying my time working from home, 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. with no added travel time, it was great! The sudden addition of 1 1/2 hours of time to my day, was my hardest adjustment to going back to into the office. I work a 45 minute drive away from where we live, so that adds up to about 8 additional hours of work weekly. Time that I was really using on my basket business.

Then spring arrived, with the much added yard work and gardening. Our twin grandsons graduated high school at the end of June and my elderly parents were able to attend. 🥰 It was so nice to be together with everyone after not being together throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It was especially hard on my elderly parents who live 5 hours away.

We held a few yard sale's at my niece's house in town this summer. And we also have taken every opportunity we can to get out for a ride on our motorcycles. Summer passes quickly and we have such a short summer to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather. The heat wave has taken away some of our time riding, we are certainly not used to such high 38 degree temperatures. 🥵 I guess we are not moving to the desert or BC anytime soon.😉

We also wanted to get some chickens this year. We ordered a new chicken coop and 8 chickens but the order fell through, sadly for us. But happily the gentleman that was building the coop for us got called back to work. So, we are planning on building our own coop and a chicken pen. Now we are spending this time getting a large pen set up properly so we can then get chickens next spring instead of before winter. Then we will be a lot busier, lol. Maybe we need a few more barn, we will see.

Today I spent time getting some new August featured baskets made and added them to my website. If you haven't seen them yet check them out here. Until next time, hope you enjoy your summer, be happy and stay safe! Michelle💗

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